As a professional licensing agency, International Licensing Consultants (ILC) has the expertise and resources to support inventors and manufacturers of new products. As part of its suite of services, ILC helps with product launches, license negotiations, organizational support and inventor assistance.
Committed to credible inventions and product introductions
ILC’s unwavering focus on quality means we follow a stringent selection process based on careful criteria to accept clients. Our clients must be able to demonstrate United States or international patent pending status or patent protection, a fact that must also be easily verifiable. We also expect our clients’ inventions to have garnered favorable assessments from third-party organizations working in an independent capacity. We accept submissions that have come through certified Patent Agents, Registered Patent Attorneys and Patent Assistance Companies. For our part, we go the extra mile to build and leverage industry contacts and welcome new products that have a meaningful benefit.
Services and fee structure
ILC’s services are fee-based. We provide product introduction, marketing activity linked to the same and also negotiate on client’ behalf to obtain the licensing that they seek. Our support services include (a) dedicated product website (b) tradeshow participation (c) a full-fledged media campaign incorporating press releases, product brochures, introductory letters and electronic media solutions. We leverage traditional and digital media to market innovations, track marketing progress and all activities associated with the inventions/new products.
Relationships with key entities
ILC handles licensing attorney communication, licensing negotiations and the documentation obligations necessary to securing the most favorable licensing terms. Any expression of interest in clients’ innovations by manufacturers are dealt with in the most professional way keeping clients’ best interests in mind. We consult with clients throughout the licensing negotiation phase to ensure that expectations are met.
ILC would like to add that, owing to the high-risk nature accompanying the licensing or selling of new ideas/inventions/concepts, we cannot offer a 100% guarantee that all inventions represented by us will get licensing, make sales and generate monetary benefits to inventors.